Important Relationships Between Properties Of Soil

There are few important relationships between properties of soil that will help us solve many soil mechanics related problems.


Lets start with

Porosity and Void Ratio :

We define void ratio as volume of voids to the volume of solids

image : void-ratio


and porosity as volume of voids to the total volume of soil mass.

image : porosity

image : phase-diagram

Using 3 phase diagram of soil, in the void ratio equation we can write Vs, which is volume of solids, as total volume minus volume of voids.

image : volume-of-solids


Then divide both numerator and denominator with total volume of soil mass capital V.

image : void-ratio-porosity


now we can see the porosity in the equation.

image : void-ratio-porosity


Hence the relationship between void ratio and porosity is established.

image : void-ratio-porosity


Which can also be written as this.

image : void-ratio-porosity



Now lets develop relationship between void ratio, water content, specific gravity and degree of saturation

We write void ratio as volume of voids to the volume of solids

image : void-ratio


lets multiply and divide this equation with volume of water and rearrange a little

image : void-ratio


Now we can write volume of water as weight of water to the unit weight of water, and similarly volume of solids as weight of solids to the unit weight of solids.

image : void-ratio


After slight rearrangement we can write the unit weight of solids as specific gravity of solids multiply with unit weight of water

image : void-ratio-unit-weight-specific-gravity


Again after re-arranging the equation we can see that volume of water divided by volume of voids is degree of saturation and weight of water divided by weight of solids is water content.

image : void-ratio-unit-weight-specific-gravity


So after rewriting the equation we found the relationship as

image : void-ratio-unit-weight-specific-gravity

image : void-ratio-unit-weight-specific-gravity



Now we will establish an important relationship between unit weight, specific gravity, void ratio, water content and unit weight of water.

We know bulk unit weight gamma T is written as total weight of soil sample to its volume.

image : bulk-unit-weight


Total weight of any soil is actually weight of solids and weight of water present in it and its volume combines volume of solids and volume of voids.

image : bulk-unit-weight


Take out W s in numerator and Vs in denominator.

image : bulk-unit-weight


Now here we notice that water content and void ratio in the equation.

image : bulk-unit-weight-water-content-void-ratio


also Ws divided by Vs in the equation is unit weight of solids which we write as specific gravity times unit weight of water.

image : bulk-unit-weight-water-content-void-ratio


So by substituting these, we get this.

image : bulk-unit-weight-water-content-void-ratio


And now here we know

Gsw = Se

So we can write water content w in the equation as this

image : water-content


and after substituting we get a new relationship to be remembered.

image : bulk-unit-weight-water-content-void-ratio


Using this relationship we can also see that…

When soil is dry, bulk unit weight becomes dry unit weight and degree of saturation of soil becomes zero as no water is present in it. Then equation will become something like this:

image : dry-unit-weight-relationship

Using this equation we can find the dry unit weight of soil if other parameters are known.


On the other hand, when soil is fully saturated then degree of saturation will become one and equation will look like this.

image : saturated-unit-weight-relationship


Now as we know submerged unit weight of a soil, gamma dash, is equal to gamma sat minus gamma w

ϒ' = ϒsat - ϒw


now using previously established equation we can write gamma sat as this

image : submerged-unit-weight-relationship


and by simplifying it, we get a new relationship.

image : submerged-unit-weight-relationship



Lets establish one more relationship between bulk unit weight, dry unit weight and water content

bulk unit weight gamma T is total weight divided by its volume.

image : bulk-unit-weight


And total weight can be written as weight of solids plus weight of water.

image : bulk-unit-weight


We can take out weight of solids from the numerator and we can see in the equation dry unit weight and water content.

image : bulk-unit-weight-dry-unit-weight


Which forms the following relationship.

image : bulk-unit-weight-dry-unit-weight


We can establish many such relationships but these are most important and frequently used equations in soil mechanics problems

Tags : relationship

Published on :2019-08-04

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